And with preserveSingleQuotes() you have to hope you're better at
cleaning input than hackers are at writing SQL injection. And yes, we
all know you're totally awesome at it; this response is for others
who'd rather not make that bet.

mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

2009/6/30 Claude Schneegans <>:
>  >>As Dominic said, putting the entire sql statement in as a variable in
> ColdFusion isn't necessary.
> Please, there IS a very good reason one would put an SQL statement in a
> variable:
> when using some tool to generate build queries for instance.
> I have many examples in my own CMS, like a report builder, search
> engine, etc.
>  >>However, just for future knowledge sake, the reason your receiving this
> error is because when you feed in a variable with single quotes, for some
> reason they become duplicated when you feed it in sql. I've actually never
> seen this before mostly because it's not good practice in ColdFusion to do
> this.
> The "some" reason is simply that any single quote in values in the
> statement must be escaped,
> and CF will do it automatically for any variable inside a CFQUERY tag.
> If you supply your own SQL statement, you are responsible for escaping
> single quotes yourself,
> and you must prevent CF to do it, because CF is not able to distinguish
> quotes in the statement
> from quotes in values, this is the purpose of the pseudo function
> preventSingleQuotes().

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