Set IIS to use a custom error page for 404 errors...  make that a  
coldfusion page that grabs the cgi variables, determines what page  
they want and send them to it that way?

We converted from asp to cfml a few years back, kept the same  
database, so I grabbed the query string and switched it around so that  
they'd land on the exact samespot.

On Jun 30, 2009, at 6:35 PM, Dave Watts wrote:

>> hi guys, we have just redone an existing asp site using coldfusion  
>> (so much nicer!!).
>> question: how do we redirect someone using a google link to the old  
>> asp page. we are putting most of them into a remove request with  
>> google but would like to address any strays.
>> i thought something like the following would work in the  
>> application file but no...
>> <cfif listContainsNoCase(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME, '.asp')>
>>        <cflocation url="#application.settings.rootURL#"  
>> addtoken="no">
>> </cfif>
> That wouldn't work unless CF was configured to run pages with the .asp
> extension. You have three options:
> 1. Configure CF to run pages with the .asp extension.
> 2. Configure your web server to rewrite URLs - on IIS, that would
> involve ISAPI_Rewrite or something similar.
> 3. Create an ASP page to redirect the user.
> I would personally prefer the second option.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
> Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
> Visit for more informat

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