CFUnited is a great suggestion.  I would also start with the (free)
online documentation at

Also, FYI - both CFCs and Application.cfc existed in CF7 - they are
not new to CF8.


On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Chris Johnson<> wrote:
> Over the past several years, work has revolved around 2 large projects for
> different companies that both used CF7.
> Both being very low on funds for a developer, time has been of the essence,
> which left no time for keeping up to date with CF8, CFCs, etc.
> Finally at the point where I can take a breath, I'm amazed with how much has 
> zoomed right past me.
> Now moving into CF8, I've gotten a chance to play with CFPDF and other great 
> tags, but still need to buy and read the latest CF8 WACK books.
> I'm still horribly behind the curve, using out-dated <cfapplication> instead 
> of Application.cfc, not using CFC's more often, etc.
> I also haven't even dared venture into Flex-land yet.
> For someone who's got about a decade of CF coding behind him, but with 
> limited opportunities to use the latest and greatest, what would be the 
> recommended course of study?
> In need of some serious up-to-date immersion :)

Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf

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