> i have 2 file datatrac.csv,datatrac-ag.csv, action for both 
> the files is same but i have to iterate the loop 2 times 
> based on file name, for that how to check file name
> which is the file and what is the action(through these 2 
> files i have to insert the data into DB by deleting the
> previous data)

That's not entirely clear, but it sounds like you need to read in the
contents of each file and work with them using the same code, but on two
different files.  If that is correct, then you could have one external loop
that loops over the filenames, then a CFFILE read to read them, then an
internal loop to process the contents, such as...

<cfloop list="file1.ext,file2.ext" index="fileName">
  <cffile action="read" file="#fileName#" variable="contents">
  <cfloop list="#contents#" index="thisRow" delimiters="#chr(10)##chr(13)#">
    <!--- Do stuff with the contents --->


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