On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:12 AM, Michael Christensen wrote:
> - If you use cfqueryparams in your query, the query is executed as a prepared 
> statement on the SQL server.

To be exact, it is send to the SQL server as a prepared statement.
Whether the SQL server executes it as a prepared statement (uses a
cached plan and inserts the parameters in there) is up to the SQL

> - If you don't use cfqueryparams, the query is not executed as a prepared 
> statement.

It is not send to the SQL server as a prepared statement. If the SQL
implementation has a caching mechanism that can cache execution plans
for inline statements it could still use a cached plan.

> 1) can you have queries with cfqueryparams not be executed as prepared 
> statements on the SQL server?

With some implementations.

> 2) could prepared statements have an adverse effect on performance?



Jochem van Dieten

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