Hello -

I've noticed something strange when using the getDirectoryFromPath function and 
wanted to see if anyone else has seen this.  It's probably something I'm doing 
incorrectly.  Here's what I'm doing:

In the application.cfc, I created an application variable to hold the physical 
path of the web site files.  Instead of manually entering the physical path 
(G:\ Inetpub\wwwroot), I used the getDirectoryFromPath function like this:


That returns the same thing.  However, when I use the function above as the 
"destination" in the CFFILE function, it returns an error.  The error says:

"The value of the attribute destination, which is currently 
G:\Inetpub\wwwroot\, is invalid."

For some reason it adds a comma at the end of the physical path but I can't 
figure out why.  Any ideas?  I would appreciate any help.



Mike Hunsaker
Assistant Director of Information Systems
Kelley School of Business MBA Program
1275 East Tenth Street, Suite 2010
Bloomington, IN 47405

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