> not suggesting not to make the switch but think twice or better talk 
> to the key person of the product you intend to switch to and possibly 
> strike a deal or at least obtain his/her support first otherwise your 
> conversion/switch would be at the mercy of others. 

Anyone switching vendors should always think carefully about all aspects of the 
transition. I would expect people to run a test server and see how the software 
behaved and, if there are issues, raise them politely on the appropriate list 
and perhaps create issues in the vendor's bug tracker (since all three CFML 
vendors have open public bug trackers now).

Some people have very reasonable expectations of compatibility and response 
times. Others do not. Some people understand the commercial value of a support 
agreement, others see no need to buy maintenance and support (and then some of 
those folks bitch loudly when issues don't get addressed immediately for free!).

There are pros and cons - trade offs - in any technology choice... 

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