Are you using session scope for anything (like the current customer)?

If so, do you have a load balancer that may have lost its "sticky IP"
setting? (It could be that you are bouncing around your web site cluster
and getting different session state on each one.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 3:49 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Caching issue

Setup.. 18 web servers with Windows 2003/CF7 or 2008/CF8.

It appears that I am pulling up cached queries from the servers. If I
pull up a movie list from a customer, I get a different customer. If I
refresh the list, then the right list shows up.  If I clear my
cookies/cache, close the browser and try again with a different customer
list.. same thing. I get the wrong list, but when I refresh I get the
right list.

No changes to the scripts and this starting happening over night. None
of the servers have saved cached queries and all the queries in the
coding are not cached. If I try to debug, I get no debugging info (with
the wrong list). But if I refresh, I then get debugging info with the
right list.

I have added the following on top of the application.cfm template:

<cfheader name="expires" value="#now()#"> <cfheader name="pragma"
value="no-cache"> <cfheader name="cache-control" value="no-cache,
no-store, must-revalidate">

But that still does not appear to fix the issue.

Any other ideas what to look for?  


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