<cfquery datasource="askseaton" name="getOffices">
                                iif(lm.user_id = s.lead_mgr, (lm.first + ' ' + 
lm.last) , s.lead_note)  as leadMgr,                                     
                                        iif(lm.user_id = s.AREA_MGR_RDO, 
lm.first + ' ' + lm.last  , s.Area_Note)   as director
                                        iif(lm.user_id = s.sdir_ndir, lm.first 
+ ' ' + lm.last , s.sdir_note) as sndir
                                        iif(lm.user_id = s.vice_pre, lm.first + 
' ' + lm.last , s.vice_note)  as vicePre
                                        iif(lm.user_id = s.fast_mgr, lm.first + 
' ' + lm.last , s.fast_note) as fastMgr
                    from sourcebook_1 s,user_info lm
                    where s.active = 1 and  (lm.user_id = s.lead_mgr or 
lm.user_id = s.AREA_MGR_RDO or lm.user_id = s.sdir_ndir or lm.user_id = 
s.vice_pre or lm.user_id = s.fast_mgr)
                        and s.office_id not in(36,37,38,73)
                                order by s.office_number

i am writing like this, it is working fine, thanks for your response....

>I think you want it this way, using a CASE statement for the leadmgr 
>column.  I also moved all your subselects into left joins, which should 
>give a bit better performance.
><cfquery datasource="askseaton" name="getOffices" result="varibles">
>    s.address + ' ' + s.address2 + ' ' + s.address3 + ',' + s.city + ',' + 
>s.state + ',' + s.city as office_address,
>    leadmgr = case 
>        when (lm.user_id is null) then lm.lead_note
>        else lm.first + ' ' + lm.last
>    end, 
>    amr.first + ' ' + amr.last as director,
>    sn.first + ' ' + sn.last as SDIRNDIR,
>    vp.first + ' ' + vp.last as VICEPRE,
>    fm.first + ' ' + fm.last as FASTMGR
>from sourcebook_1 s left outer join
>    user_info lm on s.lead_mgr = lm.user_id left outer join
>    user_info amr on s.area_mgr_rdo = amr.user_id left outer join
>    user_info sn on s.sdir_ndir = sn.user_id left outer join
>    user_info vp on s.vice_pre = vp.user_id left outer join
>    user_info fm on s.fast_mgr = fm.user_id
>where active = 1
>    and office_id not in (36,37,38,73)
>order by office_number

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