Hey all, I'm trying to get an alternative to cfexecute working and I'm
wondering how to loop with a call to BufferedReader.readLine().

Here's the code:

        <cfset runtime = CreateObject("java", "java.lang.Runtime")>
        <cfset process = runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd)>
        <cfset errStream = process.getErrorStream()>
        <cfset errInputStreamReader = CreateObject("java",
        <cfset bufferedErrRead = CreateObject("java",
        <cfloop from="1" to="20" index="line">
                <cfset err &= bufferedErrRead.readLine() & Chr(13) &

The loop is hardcoded to run 20 times, but what I really need is to be able
to do something like:

        while bufferedErrRead.readLine() != null

Any ideas on how to do a check for a Java null in CF?



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