you could run a QoQ inside a loop of queryA, or, since it looks like
both queries have at least one column in common, use one original query
to pull all the data, then do a cfoutput with GROUP attribute.

it's hard to suggest anything more specific since your code is so very

and do you really need to use evaluate() function there?

Azadi Saryev

On 03/08/2009 23:58, patrick buch wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm stumped on how to match data from 2 queries. What is the best way?
> Here's the situation....
> Query A
> --------------
>       SELECT #ssr_tablename#.mat_grp, #ssr_tablename#.plant, sloc, mat_id, 
> mat_desc, valuated_stock_unrestricted, rounding_value, rop, format, 
> SUM(PO_Qty) as po_qty
>       FROM #ssr_tablename#
>       INNER JOIN #tablename#
>        ON (#ssr_tablename#.plant = #tablename#.plant)
>       WHERE (#ssr_tablename#.mat_id = #tablename#.matnum)
>       AND #ssr_tablename#.plant IN ('SI**', 'SI**')
>       GROUP BY mat_id
>       order by #ssr_tablename#.plant, mat_id
> QueryB
> ---------------------------
>       SELECT count(distinct mdoc) AS Usage7, matnum, postdate FROM table1
>       INNER JOIN #ssr_tablename#
>        ON (table1.matnum = #ssr_tablename#.mat_id)
>   where plant IN ('SI**', 'SI**')
>     and mvt = '201'
>     and DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 7 DAY) <= postdate
>       GROUP BY matnum
>       order by plant;
> Output For QueryA
> *************************
> <cfloop query="qSSR">
>       <tr bgcolor="###iif(currentrow MOD 2,DE('ffffff'),DE('efefef'))#">
>               <cfloop index="f" list="#ssr_fields#">
>                       <cfset bg="ffffff">
>               <td align="right"><cfif evaluate("#f#") eq "" OR 
> left(trim(evaluate("#f#")),"1") eq 
> "0">&nbsp;</cfif>#trim(evaluate("#f#"))#</td>
>               </cfloop>
> </tr>
> </cfloop>
> Basically, during the loop of queryA I want it to, if it finds a match, to 
> output from QueryB or else just leave blank and move on to the next row...
> Should this be done before hand in a query so all I have to do is output the 
> query data or can this be done on the backend via the CF page?
> Thanks as always for your time and response(s)...

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