thanks everyone.

Just in case someone else has something, let me give a better example of
what I'm talking about.

I had a problem the other day where I had a client who has a website with
years and years of assets stacking up on their server. They had hundreds of
SWF files in one folder and a database table linking them to the
respective advertisers. Unfortunately due to bad design by the original
author, there were no dates associated with the files in the database (UUID

The one thing the client did know was that they only wanted to be using
their newest size of 138h X 250w. So any files that were not that dimension
could be filtered out. SO I needed a way to programatically determine their

One quick google search turned up the perfect solution on Rupesh Kumar's
blog, which is what started all of this for me. Now Rupesh is one of the
engineers at Adobe, so he has all sorts of inside info, but how would any of
us regular programmers know that this package existed

decoder = createObject("java", "macromedia.swf.TagDecoder").init(fis); //
create TagDecoder

And how many other amazing little tidbits like this are there still waiting
to be found and put to use...
Anyhow... Thats was my inspiration for wanting to troll through all the java
packages CF has just laying around.


Alan Rother
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
Manager, Phoenix Cold Fusion User Group,

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