<cfset bothQueries = fnc_navigation(args go here)>
<cfset thisIsOneQuery = bothQueries.rs_navsFrontEnd>
<cfset thisIsTheOtherQuery = bothQueries.rs_navsAdmin>

<cfdump var="#thisIsOneQuery#">
<cfdump var="#thisIsTheOtherQuery#">

<cfoutput query="thisIsOneQuery">

There are other ways, but this is one that'll work.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Allen [mailto:a.matthe...@yahoo.com]
> Sent: 12 August 2009 12:21
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Records set in CFStruct
> Can someone please point me to the right direction.
> I am returning two result sets from a single query (stored proc). When
> I CFDUMP query as in <cfdump var="#returnStruct#"> i get the two record
> sets displayed below. The question is how do I use cfoutput to display
> the record set below;
> Thanks
> struct
> The code.
> <cffunction name="fnc_navigation" access="public" output="NO"
> returntype="struct">
>       <cfargument name="DSN" type="string" required="yes" default="">
>       <cfargument name="permission" type="numeric" required="yes"
> default="0">
>       <cfset var returnStruct = StructNew() />
>       <cfstoredproc datasource="#arguments.DSN#"
> procedure="usp_navigation">
>               <cfprocparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER"
> value="#arguments.permission#">
>                       <cfprocresult name="rs_navsFrontEnd" resultset="1">
>                       <cfprocresult name="rs_navsAdmin" resultset="2">
>       </cfstoredproc>
>       <cfset returnStruct.rs_navsFrontEnd = rs_navsFrontEnd />
>       <cfset returnStruct.rs_navsAdmin = rs_navsAdmin />
>       <cfreturn returnStruct />
> </cffunction>

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