The more I venture into OO type of design the more I have to get my head around 
todays its "getters and setters". I think I am 'getting' in to the swing of 
this but I could do with some advice please! any advice and help is welcome!

I have no idea if I am just making this up as I go along anymore lol!

I have a ColdBox application which I am trying to learn ColdSpring with, so I 
have ColdSpring setup I need to it how it went

I wanted to do some basic validation on a form and check if the user exists in 
the DB. 

Below is my code, from my understanding. Right or wrong?

var rc = event.getCollection();//RC Reference   
var userBean = variables.adminUsersService.createAdminUserBean(); //Create 
var errors = userBean.validateUser(rc);//Check For Validation Errors  

if (NOT ArrayLen(errors)){//No Validation Errors
resultCount = variables.adminUsersService.validateCredentials(userBean); 
//Check Login Credentials Does User Exist?
if (resultCount.IDEXISTS eq 1){
//do login
else {
getPlugin("messagebox").setMessage("error", "Sorry, Username/Password not 
else {//We Have Validation Errors Show The User A Message
                           getPlugin("messagebox").setMessage("error", "<b>The 
Following Validation Errors Occurred:</b><br />",errors);

Few questions.

Is what I am doing OK?
service <-- passes in the admin bean needs the gateway
gateway < -- my sql only acced from the service 
admin.cfc <--- getters and setters, right?
correct right?

what are the benefits of me create the userBean above passing that into the  
getPlugin('beanFactory').populateBean(userBean); then using it and not the 
direct gateway?

my service
<!---gets the gateway so it can be access via the service layer--->
<cffunction name="setadminUsersGateway" access="public" returntype="void" 
    <cfargument name="adminUsersGateway" required="true" 
type="salesMaxx.model.adminUsersGateway" /> 
    <cfset variables.adminUsersGateway = arguments.adminUsersGateway />
<!---creates the AdminUser Bean--->
<cffunction name="createAdminUserBean" access="public" 
returntype="salesMaxx.model.adminUsers" output="false">
          <cfset var bean = 
createObject('component','salesMaxx.model.adminUsers').init(createUUID()) />
     <cfreturn bean />

<cffunction name="validateCredentials" access="public" returntype="any" 
 <cfargument name="bean" type="salesMaxx.model.adminUsers" required="true" />
  <cfset result = variables.adminUsersGateway.existsAdminUsers(arguments.bean) 
  <cfreturn result />


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