leading on from my last example which would be the best way to the following...
1) get the username from the database to store in a session
2) log them in

I was thinking about added the following in my handler after the validation 

variables.adminUsersService.doLogin(userBean);//Login User

this passes in my userbean to adminUsersService...

<!---Login Request--->
<cffunction name="doLogin" access="public" returntype="any" output="false">
 <cfargument name="bean" type="salesMaxx.model.objects.adminusers" 
required="true" />
   var userDetails = variables.adminUsersGateway.readAdminUsers(arguments.bean);

what i am not sure about is if I should be do this all in my service, or should 
I come out again with the username and run the bean.setUserSession() in the 

full handler below (with the bit above not in)

var rc = event.getCollection();//RC Reference   
    var userBean = variables.adminUsersService.createAdminUserBean(); //Create 
        var errors = "";
        getPlugin('beanFactory').populateBean(userBean);//the magic bean machine
    errors = userBean.validateUser();//Check For Validation Errors  
         if (NOT ArrayLen(errors)){//No Validation Errors
       resultCount = variables.adminUsersService.validateCredentials(userBean); 
//Check Login Credentials Does User Exist?
        if (resultCount.IDEXISTS eq 1){
        //LOG USER IN HERE???????????????????????????????????
        else {
               getPlugin("messagebox").setMessage("error", "Sorry, 
Username/Password not found.");
     else {//We Have Validation Errors Show The User A Message
         getPlugin("messagebox").setMessage("error", "<b>The Following 
Validation Errors Occurred:</b><br />",errors);

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