The site is starting to look better (well the 
galleries can now be selected.

Just wondering how you would recommend improving the way the galleries are 
displayed - I'm thinking probably keep the drop down list available (somehow 
show the selection made - somehow highlight this selection) but have the drop 
down list still there so that a person can make another selection if required.

I think it could be done not sure exactly how yet.

What do you think?

Any ideas on how this can be done would be very much appreciated.

>You had no action or method on your form  Try this:
><CFIF IsDefined("form.submit")>
>  <cfinclude template="inc_photo_gallery.cfm">
>  <cfelse>
>  <cfquery name="qGetGallery"  datasource="#request.db_dsn#"
>username="#request.db_login#" password="#request.db_pwd#">
>  SELECT          *
>  FROM            galleries
>  </cfquery>
>  <form action="gallery.cfm" method="post" name="photogallery"
>    <select name="GalleryID">
>      <option value="Please Select an Image Gallery" selected>Please
>Select an Image Gallery</option>
>      <cfoutput query="qGetGallery">
>        <option
>      </cfoutput>
>    </select>
>    <br />
>    <br />
>    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Display Gallery">
>  </form>
><cfquery name="qgetpics" datasource="#request.db_dsn#"
>username="#request.db_login#" password="#request.db_pwd#">
>   select *
>   from photoadmin
>   <cfif isdefined("form.galleryid">
>       where galleryid = #form.galleryid# and onweb = '1'
>   <cfelse>
>       where onweb = '1'
>   </cfif>
><div class="gallery">
><cfoutput query="qgetpics">
><a href="data/images/#pic_large#" rel="lightbox[sample]" title="Yeng
>Tan Floral design"><img src="data/thumbnails/#pic_thumbnail#"
>border="0" /></a></cfoutput>
><!--[if lte IE 6]><script src="engine/js/pngfix_vlb.js"

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