Greetings from the chilly south, I have this query and it returns the expected result set, but I can't work out how to use a join instead of the NOT IN clause and I *know* that is going to be more efficient. Basically, I want to exclude the current special from the result set. Any ideas?
<cfquery name="qGetRecentRecord" datasource="#request.dsn#"> SELECT TOP 1 RV.ID AS RecID ,RV.Date_Viewed ,FS.ID ,FS.Category_ID ,FS.Title ,FS.Comment ,FS.Thumbnail ,FS.Photo ,FS.Price ,FS.Year ,FS.Date_Modified ,FS.Active ,C.Name As Category_Name ,C.Image_Path ,C.Image_Dir FROM tbl_ForSaleCategories C INNER JOIN ( tbl_RecentlyViewed RV INNER JOIN tbl_ForSale FS ON RV.ID = FS.ID ) ON C.ID = FS.Category_ID WHERE RV.ID NOT IN ( SELECT ID FROM tbl_CoverSpecial ) AND FS.Active = 1 ORDER BY Date_Viewed ASC; </cfquery> All help appreciated. TIA adieu Mark -------*/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: