I would take your UDF's, put them into their own utility CFC, and load 
the CFC into the APPLICATION scope during onApplicationStart(). If you 
ever need to reload the CFC, you could always rerun your 
onApplicationStart() method.

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Co-Author of "Learning Ext JS"

On 8/26/2009 5:24 AM, SANJEEV SINGLA wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am migrating from application.cfm to applicaton.cfc and have following 
> issues.
> In my application.cfm I have some statements like :
>      <CFSET loadAppCFC("comUDF", "comUDF", 
> Application.ini.debug.ReloadObjects)>
> The loadAppCFC method is defined within the Application.cfm itself. There are 
> few other functions which are defined in Application.cfm and are used in 
> Application.cfm (as above example.)
> Noe the comUDF is again a cfc which has many user defined functions which are 
> required on every page.
> The other methods defined directly in Application.cfm are also required to be 
> loaded for each page. While migrating to application.cfc I took all the 
> functions from Application.cfm and put it in one file. Then I inluded the 
> following event.
> <cffunction name="onRequest">
> <cfargument name="targetPage" type="String" required=true/>
> <cfinclude template="all_udf.cfm">
> <cfinclude template="#arguments.targetPage#">
> </cffunction>
> But Still I get error as "Variable COMUDF is undefined.". Not sure what's 
> happening. Please help.

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