Step 1: read the wiki page John sent.

Step 2: Deadlocks take two resources to tango. You need to see what the
two resources in question are.  Run a trace and filter for deadlocks and
lock escalations.  That will give you some more information about ground
zero at the time of the error.  

Are their other queries in that loop that you omitted for us?

Some deadlocks happen between two processes fighting over to different
tables in your DB, but other deadlocks can be two processes simply
fighting over a number of keys in the same index.  Depending on how many
times that loop runs, a connection can probably rack up a lot of row
locks that wants to escalate to a full table lock, but can't.  

If you are on SQL server, you might try wrapping a transaction around
your loop and playing with the tablockx or holdlock locking hints.  


-------- Original Message --------
 Subject: sql deadlock
 From: "Chad Gray" <>
 Date: Thu, August 27, 2009 8:46 am
 To: cf-talk <>
 I occasionally see this error in an application I wrote.
 Transaction (Process ID 54) was deadlocked on lock | communication
buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the
deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
 The code that is causing this is below.
 <cfloop list="#variables.basicColorList#" index="i">
 <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#" name="deleteColor">
 DELETE FROM #variables.table#
 WHERE #variables.IDField# = #variables.ID# AND ColorName =
 Pretty simple query... How do I keep this SQL from deadlocking?
 What is a deadlock? Two users hitting the code at the same time and
database cant handle all the requests?

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