Oh, right.  Or if he's just trying to address one row in a query result set,
he'd need something like this for row 35:

<cfset thiscurrentrecord = 35>
<cfloop from="1" to="#myQuery.NUM_CART_ITEMS[thiscurrentrecord]#"
#myQuery.["ITEM_NAME" & cartentry][thiscurrentrecord]#<br>

...and, of course, if myQuery.["ITEM_NAME" & cartentry] is coming out of the
database, that database is *not* in 3rd normal.  :-)

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 9:06 PM, Jason Fisher <ja...@wanax.com> wrote:

> currentRecord is a property of a query, not a query itself and you don't
> need it to loop over a query = use the cfoutput syntax to loop over your
> query:
> <cfoutput query="myQuery">
>  #item_name#<br />
> </cfoutput>

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