Wait a minute now, Robert Nurse is the OP.  I think Rick was just
chiming in with his config... 

Robert said CF has been starting with a user called "foo" however he
also said they have been starting CF manually as well.  Robert, we need
you to be more specific.  Does the file write work when you start it
manually?  When you start CF manually, _how_ are you starting it?  Like,
what specifically do you run from the command line to start it.  If you
you are running a bash script that has the "foo" user inside it then it
is running under "foo".  If you are directly  invoking Jrun, then it is
using your current user.

Can you please grep the process list and find out.  We can only make
wild assumptions until then.

And lest we get carried away on grepping and psing, can you back up a
little and confirm that the directory you are trying to write in is
actually the location you think you are using?  If you are using expand
path or a relative path, you may be actually pointing somewhere else and
not be realizing it.  Also, is this on a local mount?  Writes to Samba
shares to a file server introduce a new level of permission problems.

Tell us, has this code ever worked, or did it just now stop working?  I
would step through the code and figure out if you are really writing
where you think you are, and chmod the folder to 777 just to see and
take small steps.  You've got to systematically eliminate your problems.
 I still think there's a chance you might be pointed at the wrong
directory if there is no exception being thrown.


-------- Original Message --------
 Subject: Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account
 From: Maureen Barger <m...@cornell.edu>
 Date: Wed, September 02, 2009 7:17 pm
 To: cf-talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
 Yup, that's your issue. Either chmod -R 777 on the dir where you want
 to save files (maybe not so good) or change that line to
 RUNTIME_USER="foo" and you should be on your way!
 If you do change the RUNTIME_USER ensure your other dirs have correct
 permissions too or you will have bigger problems!
 On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 19:59, Rick Root<rick.r...@webworksllc.com>
 > I am running Coldfusion 7 Standard under CentOS Linux
 > This line is in /etc/init.d/coldfusionmx7
 > RUNTIME_USER=""nobody""
 > Rick

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