Hi Rick,

This is where the limiting nature of SQL comes in--SQL is a set language
and has no (or very limited) looping/reshaping capability.  Unless MS
has extended their SQL in ways I'm not aware of, this would be nearly
impossible.  That's where the power of CF comes in.


Rick Root wrote:
> I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction.  I'm
> doing something in CF that I really need to be doing in SQL:
> I need to flatten this data:
>       select
>               A.entityid,
>               A.MEMBERID,
>               A.RELTYPE,
>               A.leaderFlag
>       from
>               PTRACK.dbo.ptTeam A
>       WHERE
>               A.status=1
> into this format:
>               entityid,
>               EXEC1,          (1st row reltype='ETL')
>               EXEC2,          (2nd row reltype='ETL')
>               TEAMLEAD,       (1st row leaderFlag=1)
>               MEMBER1,        (1st row reltype='TMM' and leaderflag=0)
>               MEMBER2,        (2nd row reltype='TMM' and leaderflag=0)
>               MEMBER3,        (3rd row reltype='TMM' and leaderflag=0)
>               MEMBER4,        (4th row reltype='TMM' and leaderflag=0)
>               MEMBER5,        (5th row reltype='TMM' and leaderflag=0)
>               AFSTAFF1,       (1st row reltype='AFS')
>               AFSTAFF2,       (2nd row reltype='AFS')
>               AFVOL,,         (1st row reltype='AFV')
>               DOCTOR1,,       (1st row reltype='AMD')
>               DOCTOR2,,       (1st row reltype='AMD')
> The query returns multiple rows per entity.  The output will be one
> row per entity.
> In CF, I'm looping over the first query, and creating a resultset that
> looks like the second query.  If an entity has more than 1 executive
> team leader or more than 5 team members or more than 2 doctors
> associated, we ignore the extras.
> But I don't have the slightest friggin' clue how to do this in SQL.
> My db is MS SQL Server 2005
> Thanks....

Ben Conner            b...@webworldinc.com
Web World, Inc.       888-206-6486
PO Box 1122           480-704-2000
Queen Creek, AZ 85242

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