Hi Jason
Ive tried that but Im still getting the same error

>The error means that InvoiceTemplateType_Key is a column in both tables, so 
>you have to let the database know which one you actually want.  Use your 
>table aliases:
><cfquery name="qgetcreditnotetemplate" datasource="#request.dsn#">
>                                            SELECT 
> IT.InvoiceTemplate_FileName, 
>          IT.InvoiceTemplateType_Key, 
>          I.Invoive_Key
>     FROM InvoiceTemplate IT, INVOICE I
>     WHERE I.IINVOICE_Key = #url.invoice#
>          AND IT.InvoiceTemplateType_Key = 1
>                                       </cfquery>
>Looks like you're not JOINing your tables either, which could be pretty bad 
>in both performance and results, and please be sure you're using 
>CFQUERYPARAM in actual code to screen that URL variable.  Something like 
>this (making assumptions here about data types and column references):
><cfquery name="qgetcreditnotetemplate" datasource="#request.dsn#">
>                                            SELECT 
> IT.InvoiceTemplate_FileName, 
>          IT.InvoiceTemplateType_Key, 
>          I.Invoive_Key
>     FROM InvoiceTemplate IT INNER JOIN
>          INVOICE I ON IT.InvoiceTemplateType_Key = 
>     WHERE I.IINVOICE_Key = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" 
>value="#url.invoice#" />
>          AND IT.InvoiceTemplateType_Key = <cfqueryparam 
>cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="1" />
>                                       </cfquery> 

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