async: false should be doing the job.

To be sure, your code looks something like that example:

         url:    ''
                  + '?name='
                  + encode(to.inp[0].value),
         success: function(result) {
                      if(result.isOk == false)
         async:   false


mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

2009/9/23 Rick Faircloth <>:
> It's $.ajax and post method.
> So far, I haven't been able to figure any way to cause the
> $.ajax call to wait for the images to be processed before continuing.
> I've look at ajaxComplete, ajaxSuccess, using cfthread in the cfc method,
> breaking the script into two parts, using async:false setting in the $.ajax
> settings...
> nothing seems to have the desired effect.
> If there was just some way I could get a variable or something that would
> only be sent once the images completed processing and then somehow to set up
> something to wait for that data to show up, as in a loop within the call
> back or something.
> But I can't think of anything I could use like that.
> It seems no matter what I do on the CF backend in the cfc, the ajax call is
> going
> to skip right over the processing and head back to the calling page and I
> can't find a way
> to control the events in the callback.
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lists []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 11:39 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: RE: CF & jQuery - How to delay ajax completion until images are
> processed...
> Rick...
> Are you using the GET/POIST methods, or using the AJAX methods from within
> jQuery?
> AJAX is gonna be your best bet as it's got more options.
> andy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Faircloth []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:13 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: RE: CF & jQuery - How to delay ajax completion until images are
> processed...
> Thanks for the tip, James...
> I tried to use the setting "async: false" in the ajax parameters, but that
> didn't seem to have any effect.
> I wish I could somehow let the image processing continue even if the "close"
> button on the success dialog is clicked.  But that causes the processing to
> stop.
> It might work if I weren't re-writing the property list on the screen after
> adding a property, but that defeats the whole purpose of using ajax.
> Clients have commented about the length of time it takes for all the image
> processing to occur.  I even tried putting the image processing part of the
> cfc method into a cfthread, but that didn't seem to help, either.
> I'll check out your link...perhaps that's the answer.
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Holmes []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 11:01 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: CF & jQuery - How to delay ajax completion until images are
> processed...
> It sounds like you need a synchronous request e.g.:
> synchronous-rather-than-asynchronous-ajax-req
> Of course, if you have to wait for a response, it may be worth simply
> doing a normal post rather than using ajax.
> mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:
> 2009/9/23 Rick Faircloth <>:
>> Got a combination CF & jQuery question for those of you who use
>> both.usually, I can get
>> a better response from folks who use CF & jQuery than I can from those who
>> use only jQuery.
>> I've got an ajax call (not AJAX call.) that inserts property data into a
>> database then processes from 1 to usually
>> no more than around 10 images, creating multiple sizes, etc.
>> The problem I'm having is that the ajax call, being asynchronous, returns
>> back to the calling
>> page and continues executing instructions before the images are all
>> processed.

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