Barney already gave the exact description of how to handle this, but since
it is painfully obvious that his instructions were not understood, I will
attempt to spell it out again.

1) Set up your web server (Apache/IIS/Resin/Whatever) to respond to requests
for each of the three domains in question.

2) Have Application.cfm/cfc use CGI variables (cgi.server_name I believe) to
"sniff out" the requested domain.  If it is one of the two "fake" names,
record the request and then cflocation to the "real" domain. (If the request
is made to the "real" domain, do nothing... it will process like normal.)

Now then, on the CGI.HTTP_REFERRER variable....

If you type the address into your address bar, guess what?  It will be
empty!  Why?  Because you were not *referred* to the page.  You typed it
in!  That's the way it works!

To be more specific: any time someone arrives at your site by either
directly typing in the URL or by way of a bookmark, the CGI.HTTP_REFERRER
variable **will be empty**.

Hopefully that helps.  If not, please read the entire thread again.  Over
and over and over again until it sinks in.  The answers have all been given
multiple times.

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