Errors, yes or no? If CF is seeing it, then you should be getting a
response. If it doesn’t see it, then you should get an error. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Phillip Vector [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 2:59 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: CFC Question

Yes and <cfcomponent name="filename"> is at the top (and closing).

filename.cfc in the cfc directory

<cfcomponent name="filename">
        <cffunction name="Read" returntype="Query" access="remote">
                <cfargument name="UserID" type="string">
                <cfscript>var Data="";</cfscript>
                <cfquery DATASOURCE="#DS#" name="Data">
                        Select *
                        From Users
                        Where UserID=#UserID#
                <cfreturn Data>


<cfinvoke component="cfc.filename" method="Read" returnvariable="User">
<cfinvokeargument name="UserID" value="13204721-3474-8967-4897498740174013">
On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Dan Farrell <> wrote:
> Coldfusion user has permission to the file?
>>So you're calling  this file from within ColdFusion directly right?
>>What happens if you create it using CreateObject?
>><cfset myCFC = CreateObject('component','cfc.filename')>
>><cfset user = myCFC.Read("13204721-3474-8967-4897498740174013")>
>>Are you getting an error?
>>So for the meantime, I've put my cfc directory in the web root on the 
>>development server I use.
>>I have the following code to call the cfc
>><cfinvoke component="cfc.filename" method="Read" 
>><cfinvokeargument name="UserID" 
>>I see the 1, but nothing else (which tells me cfinvoke is not working 
>>The filename is "filename.cfc" and is in the cfc directory (which is 
>>directly off the web root where I'm calling this).
>>The read function shows the following..
>>       <cffunction name="Read" returntype="Query" access="remote">
>>               <cfargument name="UserID" type="string">
>>               <cfscript>var Data="";</cfscript>
>>               <cfquery DATASOURCE="#DS#" name="Data">
>>                       Select *
>>                       From Users
>>                       Where UserID=#UserID#
>>               </cfquery>
>>               <cfreturn Data>
>>       </cffunction>
>>Why isn't it working?

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