Going a bit mad! I should know how to do this but my brain is not working 

when the form below is submitted if the checkbox is checked I want to update 
the option on the valueId (which is a hidden field) and keep looping all the 
results only updating option have is ticked. however once submitted how will I 
know what checkbox ticked corresponded with what valueId?

<cfoutput query="rc.option" group="name">
  <tr class="tableBG2">
    <td class="borderleft">&nbsp;</td>
 <cfset current = 
<!--- <cfdump var="#current#">--->
    <td class="borderleft">&nbsp; <input type="checkbox" <cfif current.idexists 
eq 1> checked="checked" </cfif> /></td>
    <td>+ &pound; <input value="#NumberFormat(current.optionPrice,99.99)#" 
type="text" name="optionPrice" size="3" /> extra</td>
  <input type="hidden" value="valueId" name="#rc.option.valueId#" />

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