>>This has gone on for far too long. This kind of behavior / language is
completely inappropriate.


Enough is enough already. This is the public face of the CF support
community. This sort of behavior does nothing to foster the growth of CF,
the CF community, nor does it help with stifling CF's detractors.

If you cannot be professional, or at the bare minimum civil, please take
your fight off list.

Sick up and fed,

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Francois Levesque <cfab...@gmail.com>wrote:

> This has gone on for far too long. This kind of behavior / language is
> completely inappropriate. People come to this list to learn CF and ask
> for help, not to be witnesses to this school-yard level of bickering
> and insulting. If you have nothing good to say in response to
> someone's post, please do everyone a favor and keep it to yourself. If
> you feel like you need to insult someone for whatever reason (valid or
> not) then please do so off-list.
> Let's try to at least keep this pg-13, can we?
> Francois Lévesque on the road
> On 2009-09-26, at 19:29, Don L <do...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> > You are a disgusting and despicable being and your rigidness is
> > beyond words.
> >
> > The question was to detect a user's OS and its CPU architecture not
> > the server's.  Do you know how my app is run???  Got it now?  f
> > off!  Told you a 100 times! f off! I'll hunt you down one day, you
> > fker!
> >
> >> Common sense would dictate that you just maybe want to get this info
> >> from a system that actually runs in the os and not a client-side
> >> solution.
> >>
> >> Ok so what runs on pretty much every OS and integrates with
> >> coldfusion?
> >>
> >> Well hopefully even you can figure it out but here is the variables
> >> you'd used:
> >>
> >> os.name     The name of OS name
> >> os.arch             The OS architecture
> >> os.version     The version of OS
> >
> >
> >

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