Depending on how you have your validation structured for permissions, an
idea would be:

Session.CompanyAccess = '1,2,5,6'

Then you can validate it when needed.

Now if you are going further to set permissions such as CRUD:

Session.CompanyAccess.Permissions_1 = "C,R,U,D"
Session.CompanyAccess.Permissions_2 = "R"
Session.CompanyAccess.Permissions_3 = "C,R,U"

(CRUD = Create, Read, Update, Delete)

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 6:01 AM, Damo Drumm <>wrote:

> Hi, I have a drop down list on a form showing a list of Companies, which
> ive linked to a table called Company,
> Im trying to use this list to give access for each username,
> at them min when someones name is added to the Table (Users) they have
> access to all Companies on the list box, im trying to change this so i can
> give each person access to only the companies I require
> Can someone help me out on how I go a bout doing this?
> Thanks

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