The RDS service is completely stopped. I don't know of a way to keep
the Executive service from generating these errors other than stopping
the Executive service as well. I recommend you simply disregard these
errors as they are harmless.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

On 2009-09-28, Claude Schneegans <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a CF 5 server, but I never use Remote Development, so I don't
> need the RDS service.
> The service is disabled in the Windows services.
> However I get this line every 2 seconds in the executive.log:
> ""Error","1716","09/28/09","16:21:15",,"Unexpected Windows NT error
> number 1058 occurred while attempting to start the RDS service."
> Apparently, the executive server is still trying to start the service.
> I do not see any tool to manage the RDS server in the CF Administrator.
> Can some one tell me where to look?

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