Okay I figured it was going to be a query based solution. Turns out there is a 
table in SQL Server that lists all chars in ASCII so I can sort based on that 
table's numeric values and then return two columns to output. Pretty RAD.

here's the t-sql to generate it.
set nocount on
declare @integers table ([Number] INT)
declare @i int
declare @char varchar(255)
set @i = 1
while @i < 128
                insert into @integers values (@i)
                set @i = @i + 1

declare char_test cursor for
select [Number] from @integers
open char_test
fetch next from char_test into @char

while @@fetch_status = 0
                print 'char #' + @char + ' = ' + char(@char)
                fetch next from char_test into @char
close char_test
deallocate char_test

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