<DIV>I am having the strangest problem with a session variable. I set it in my 
application.cfm file and this is the code:</DIV>
IsDefined("session.UserID")&gt;<BR>&nbsp;&lt;CFSET session.UserID = 
<DIV>2 out of the 3 people where I work can use the website just fine. The 3rd person 
has their session variable set but when I try and output it, nothing shows up. I know 
the session variable has been set because if I do a &lt;cfif 
isDefined("session.userid")&gt; 'Yes I exist' &lt;cfelse&gt;I don't exist&lt;/cfif&gt; 
It&nbsp; gives me a 'Yes, I exist'. I even deleted it by using &lt;cfset 
structdelete("session.userid")&gt; and ran the &lt;cfif&gt; statement again and it 
said 'I don't exist'. When I do &lt;cfoutput&gt;#session.Userid#&lt;/cfoutput&gt; 
nothing shows up? My website is dependent on the UserId to see certain pages so 
obviously it is not working for this 3rd person in my group. I'm stumped. Help, 
<DIV>Sal</DIV><br clear=all><hr>Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : 
<a href="http://explorer.msn.com">http://explorer.msn.com</a><br></p></html>

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