Why are you using so many application.cfm files? You really only need one,
from what you've described.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Brian Bradley <bbrad...@plrb.org> wrote:

> In the one off of the root - I name it login_app and it has a session
> variable named loggedIn.  In the contact folder (for example) the name of
> that application is contact_app and it is looking for the loggedIn variable.
>  If loggedIn exists, it lets the user access the pages in that directory, if
> it does not, it will redirect them to the logon page.  I am getting that
> loggedIn cannot be defined since it isn't technically part of the
> contact_app application.  I can still pull the value up in the contact
> folder from a file just not from the application file.  I thought that the
> directory structure plays a role and I can use variables as long as it goes
> from the root through the subdirectories, but I guess I am wrong.  I just am
> hoping to avoid cookies if possible.  Thanks.

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