> For the record:
> You can use more than one symbol for a list delimiter if you 
> assign it to a variable first:
> <cfset delim = "||*||">
> <cfloop list="#list#" delimiter="#delim#".....
> Don't ask why, it just works that way

This really depends on what you mean by "using more than one symbol for a
list delimiter".

If you mean that you can use a multi-character string as a list delimiter,
this is not the case. 

If, on the other hand, you mean that you can specify multiple characters,
any one of which may be used as a delimiter, you don't need to assign those
characters to a variable first. 

Here's a code sample that demonstrates both of these points. Both CFLOOPs
will output the same thing - the numbers 1 through 4 on four separate lines.
If you could specify a multi-character delimiter, one or both CFLOOPs would
output "1:2" on the first line, then "3:4" on the second line. If assigining
the characters to a variable first made a difference, the first one would
output the numbers on four lines, and the second one would output two on
each line.

<cfset demolist = "1:2:;3;4">

<cfloop list="#demolist#" index="i" delimiters=":;">


<cfset mydelims = ":;">

<cfloop list="#demolist#" index="i" delimiters="#mydelims#">

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

        Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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