Come on guys... I need your help. I am including the code in the email body. 
This code is from the sample documents of ColdExt. My problem is, I am 
trying to display a grid inside a Ext.window. The grid has a search box in 
its toolbar.

This grid never shows up at all and gives the following error in FireBug:

"Ext.ux.grid is undefined
Line 305"

if I remove the searchbox code from my pages, then the grid displays 
properly inside the Ext.window.

Test.cfm - the page that contains script for opening window that will 
contain the grid
Test2.cfm - the page which contains the grid display code.

******************************   Test.cfm   ******************************

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="";>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Testing Derby with Railo CF</title>
<link href="<cfoutput>#application.cssURL#</cfoutput>" rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css" />
<cfimport prefix="ext" taglib="../coldext">


        var new_supplier = new Ext.Window({
        closable: true,
        closeAction: 'close',
        draggable: true,
        resizable: false,
        title: 'Add New Supplier',
        autoLoad: {                             url: 'test2.cfm',
                    scripts: true,
                    text: 'Loading data ...'
        collapsible: true,
        maximizable: false,
        modal: true,
        width: 614,
        height: 280,
        autoScroll: true,
        iconCls: 'icon-form',
        deferredRender: true,
        scripts: true


*****************************   Test2.cfm   *****************************
<cfimport prefix="ext" taglib="../coldext">
<cfimport prefix="ux" taglib="../coldext/ux">

<!--- all examples will be appended to this div --->
<div id="grid11-out" class="output">
    <h2>Grid Search user extension</h2>


    <ext:jsonStore var="myJSON" autoLoad="true" remoteSort="true"
            root="" totalProperty="totalcount" 
        <ext:field name="id" />
        <ext:field name="country" />
        <ext:field name="capital" />
        <ext:field name="continent" />
        <ext:param name="limit" value="10" />

    <!--- simple example --->
    <ux:gridSearch var="mySearch" width="150" />
    <!--- alternative example --->
    <!--- use position="top" AND explicitly define a top toolbar in the 
gridPanel --->
    <!--- <ux:gridSearch var="mySearch" position="top" width="150" /> --->

    <ext:gridPanel renderTo="grid11-out" title="JSON Grid" width="600" 
            stripeRows="true" plugins="mySearch" store="myJSON">
        <!--- alternative example --->
        <!--- <ext:toolbar><ext:toolbarFill></ext:toolbar> --->
        <ext:gridColumn header="ID" width="40" sortable="true" 
dataIndex="id" />
        <ext:gridColumn id="country" header="Country" width="150" 
sortable="true" dataIndex="country" />
        <ext:gridColumn header="Capital" width="245" sortable="true" 
dataIndex="capital" />
        <ext:gridColumn header="Continent" width="160" sortable="true" 
dataIndex="continent" />
        <ext:pagingToolbar displayInfo="true" pageSize="10" store="myJSON" 



From: "Arsalan Tariq Keen" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 8:05 PM
To: "cf-talk" <>
Subject: Re: Problem with JSON Grid | ColdExt

> no ... its not online... actually I am developing this software for my
> client.
> Any other possible ways?
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Raymond Camden" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 7:34 PM
> To: "cf-talk" <>
> Subject: Re: Problem with JSON Grid | ColdExt
>> You've got me now - is this online where we can all look?
>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 9:59 PM, Arsalan Tariq Keen
>> <> wrote:
>>> Well... I tried the same pages in IE7 and there it is showing two 
>>> browser
>>> errors.
>>> 1. 'Ext.ux.grid.Search' is null or not an object
>>> 2. Could not complete the operation due to Error 80020101
>>> please help me with this, I am running real short on deadlines!
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> From: "Arsalan Tariq Keen" <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 8:38 AM
>>> To: "cf-talk" <>
>>> Subject: Re: Problem with JSON Grid | ColdExt
>>>> I guess I got too carried away with FireBug :) it helped me clear out
>>>> many
>>>> bugs in my application. Now my grid is showing the content I wanted 
>>>> with
>>>> the
>>>> WHERE clause in CFQUERY. However, one problem persists. When I use the
>>>> gridsearch plugin, the grid does not showup at all and firebug is also
>>>> giving no error. The page with grid is autoLoaded inside of a window,
>>>> however when I load the same page directly in the browser window, the
>>>> grid
>>>> is displayed fine. Any suggestions?
>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>> From: "Raymond Camden" <>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 3:36 AM
>>>> To: "cf-talk" <>
>>>> Subject: Re: Problem with JSON Grid | ColdExt
>>>>> Sounds like the library didn't load. But it worked before so I'm not
>>>>> sure about that. What do you see in the XHR requests? You should see
>>>>> one to fetch your data. Try right click/open in new tab and see if you
>>>>> notice a CF error.
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Arsalan Tariq Keen
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Camden...
>>>>>> firebug is saying...
>>>>>> "Ext.ux.grid is undefined
>>>>>> Line 32"
>>>>>> any clues....?????
>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> From: "Raymond Camden" <>
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 5:30 PM
>>>>>> To: "cf-talk" <>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Problem with JSON Grid | ColdExt
>>>>>>> Enjoy.
>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Arsalan Tariq Keen
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hmmm... Camden, can you guide me about using Firebug... actually I
>>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> newbie to Ajax and I am using IE7, I guess firebug would work with
>>>>>>>> FireFox.
>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> From: "Raymond Camden" <>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 9:57 AM
>>>>>>>> To: "cf-talk" <>
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Problem with JSON Grid | ColdExt
>>>>>>>>> What did Firebug tell you?
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 9:59 PM, Arsalan Tariq Keen
>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear CFers,
>>>>>>>>>> I am having trouble with the JSON gridpanel using ColdExt. The
>>>>>>>>>> problem
>>>>>>>>>> is... when I feed the grid with JSON generated from CFQUERY with 
>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>> simple
>>>>>>>>>> SELECT statement without any conditions, it runs fine, however if
>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>> add
>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>> WERE clause then the grid fails to populate even though JSON is
>>>>>>>>>> generated. Below is given my CFML code. Can anyone help me with
>>>>>>>>>> this....
>>>>>>>>>> I need urgent support... I m falling short of time for my
>>>>>>>>>> deadlines
>>>>>>>>>> Also, this gridpanel is displayed within a ExtJS window, so if I
>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> gridSearch plugin with it, than the grid doesn't display at all
>>>>>>>>>> instead
>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>> Javascript error is given by the browser.

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