Hi everyone,

My websites has different types of profiles that our end users log into that 
follows a simply hierarchy that goes as follows.

Administrator -> Super Users -> End Users

Where all Super Users are managed by the Administrator and each Super User 
manages a subset of all End Users.  Each profile is locked by a username and 
password from a login page. For debugging, auditing or support purposes 
sometimes it becomes very useful for the Administrator to log into the profile 
of one of his Super Users or for a Super User to log into one of his End Users 
profiles since each profile contains different landing pages and content.  I'm 
trying to achieve this functionality without the need to look up that persons 
password (for obvious security reasons) so I've been toying around with 
different methods.

My first thought was to use CFHTTP but I've had no luck with it.  I thought I 
could simply do 

<cfhttp url="mylogincheck" method="post" redirect="true"> 
<cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="username" value="#username#">
<cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="password" value="#password#">

and it would redirect me much like a <cflocation> does except with form data 
being posted, but I could get that desired behavior.  I've gave up on this and 
did the following.

<form action="mylogincheck" method="post" name="login">
<input type="hidden" name="username" value="#username#">
<input type="hidden" name="password" value="#password#">
<script language="JavaScript">

Which works but I'm concerned this is a not the correct way and could possibly 
pose security issues since I'm technically creating an HTML page with someones 
password even though the page redirects instantly. Would anyone care to tell me 
what I'm doing wrong with <CFHTTP> or if alternatively, my concerns are 
unfounded and my solution is in fact secure.


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