>If stcXml.country.cities.xmlChildren is empty, then the first pass at 
>index="1" would be invalid.  Can you verify that the the XML has at least 1 
>cities child?

I do need to verify it, but if stcXml.country.cities.xmlChildren was empty 
wouldn't the cfloop be equivalent to:

<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="0">

In that case the contents of the loop wouldn't execute at all, would they?

I also doubt scoping. "i" is not declared outside the <cfthread> tag. Even if 
it was cfthread performs a "deep copy" of all parent thread variables; meaning 
they are held in different memory than the other thread 'copies' (or parent) 
and at that point are independent of each other. Also, all variables declared 
inside the thread are scoped independently (I could declare soupTaNuts inside a 
dozen threads and each one would occupy its own memory).

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