
On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 10:32 AM, James Holmes <james.hol...@gmail.com>wrote:

> However without a serializable transaction (assuming read committed is
> therefore the isolation level used), another query could insert a new
> row and commit before the commit in this transaction; this would
> result in an incorrect ID.
> mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:
> http://www.bifrost.com.au/blog/
> 2009/10/27 Dave Watts:
> >
> >> Since serializable is the only isolation level that is meant to
> eliminate
> >> phantom reads, that means that this approach will probably only work if
> you
> >> set the isolation level to serializable (and, of course, that your RDBMS
> >> supports it). Which includes the performance implications that this
> >> isolation level brings.
> >
> > I don't think there's any danger of phantom reads occurring in this
> > case. Phantom reads occur when a single transaction reads the same set
> > twice and gets different values each time due to changes between the
> > first and second queries.
> >
> >
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isolation_%28database_systems%29#Repeatable_reads_.28phantom_reads.29

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