You could cfschedule a new single run of the template with the chosen timeout.

mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:

2009/10/28 Earl, George <>:
> We need to be able to manually run scheduled tasks that take longer to
> complete than our server timeout setting.
> By 'manually run' I mean by entering the URL for a scheduled task into
> the address bar of our browser or by clicking on links to a scheduled
> task (because we have limited access to CF Administrator).
> I understand that the timeout setting for scheduled tasks overrides the
> server timeout setting but I assume that works only when the task is run
> by the CF scheduler or by running it manually from within the CF
> Administrator, is this correct?
> If we run a scheduled task manually as described above is
> cfsetting\requestTimeout in the code our only recourse for overriding
> the server timeout setting?

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