If you're trying to parse a text file line by line, it's typically done by
looping over the file, as a list, using an appropriate EOL character(s) as
the delimiter. In this case I'll use ASCII character 13, the carriage

Try something like this (if it's what you need):

<CFSET int_count = 0>
<CFLOOP List="#FileContents#" Delimiters="#Chr(13)#" Index="idx">
  <CFSET int_count = (int_count + 1)>
    <!--- 'idx' will be a line of the file --->
    <!--- Ex. Line 1: This is the first line.
              Line 2: This is the second line. --->
    Line #int_count#: #idx#<br>


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 11:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: String manipulation

Thanks for that,

I know most of the string functions...but how do I do a mid
(string,start,end) which starts at the beginning of a line, and gets a copy
of the complete line...and then repeat this for every line in the text
file??  I guess i don't know how I can determine thevales for the start, end

Any ideas?

>From: "Joseph Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: String manipulation
>Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 17:05:39 -0800
> > It would be great if you could help me out..give me some sample
> > of functions taht I will need to do this..or all of the above..thanks
>These are what I call the "string operator" functions.  You will need most
>of these.
>Also, pull the whole file with CFHTTP, and save it. then just use CFFILE
>the rest.
>Of particular interest are the Find() and mid() functions.
>This is a script that pulls/parses data:
>and I have many more : )  Parsing is kind of a hobby of mine...
>If you like, email me off list...
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