I think I know what subdomains are and how they work, but www. - while  
technically a subdomain - is attached to the same vhost/site as the  
straight http version. That's why I am a bit confused.



On 10 Nov 2009, at 15:08, Kevin Pepperman wrote:

> By default CF sets the cookie in only the domain it is on."mydomain.com 
> " But
> cfcookie does not let you set the domain name for the cookie.
> So you couldn't use the cookies session across sub domains. eg "
> one.mydomain.com"
> I have had situations where I had to overwrite the session cookies  
> that CF
> sets on each request with cfheader, that way I could specify  
> the .subdomain.
> This also allows you to use the HTTPOnly flag.
> <cfheader name="Set-Cookie" value="CFID=#SESSION.CFID#;path=/;domain=.
> mydomain.com;expires=MON, 21-Dec-2009 00:00:00 GMT;HTTPOnly;" />
> <cfheader name="Set-Cookie"  
> value="CFTOKEN=#SESSION.CFTOKEN#;path=/;domain=.
> mydomain.com;expires=MON, 21-Dec-2009 00:00:00 GMT;HTTPOnly;" /)>
> (note the dot in ".mydomain.com")
> /K

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