
that will evaluate to null="true" when ARGUMENTS.SourceRef1 IS an empty string.
as Leigh said, you should have used null="#NOT Len(Trim(ARGUMENTS.SourceRef1))#"

Azadi Saryev

On 13/11/2009 01:58, Brett Davis wrote:
> Ok in the quest for looking for better ways to write my code I ran into a 
> small gotcha today that had me banging my head against the wall. Here is the 
> original code:
> <cftry>
>     <cfquery name="createField" datasource="#DSN#">
>          INSERT INTO t_field(
>                structure_id,                      
>                source_ref_1,
>                field_fmt_type_id,
>                last_chg_user_id,
>                last_chg_dt
>          )
>          VALUES(
>             <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" 
> value="#ARGUMENTS.StructureID#"/>,
>             <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" 
> value="#ARGUMENTS.SourceRef1#" null="#Len(Trim(ARGUMENTS.SourceRef1))#"/>,
>             <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" 
> value="#ARGUMENTS.FieldFmtTypeID#" 
> null="#Len(Trim(ARGUMENTS.FieldFmtTypeID))#"/>,
>             <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" 
> value="#ARGUMENTS.LastChangeUserID#"/>,
>             #CreateODBCDate(Now())#
>          );
>          SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS newid;
>     </cfquery>
>     <cfcatch type="database">
>          <cfreturn false/>
>     </cfcatch>
> </cftry>
> I am sure most of you know what I am attempting to do, but for those that 
> don't I'll explain. Instead of writing a bunch of CFIFs to determine if the 
> value passed to the query is an empty string and omitting parts of the SQL 
> query and allowing MSSQL to insert NULLs, I've opted to use the NULL 
> attribute of the CFQueryparam tag to do that work for me. I've been using 
> null="#Len(Trim(Arguments.Value))#" with much success and happiness until 
> today. When ColdFusion attempted to run this code I got a nice fat error:
> Invalid data '' for CFSQLTYPE CF_SQL_INTEGER
> I was like WTF? Ummm hello McFly if I passed you an empty string that's what 
> the whole null="#Len(Trim(value))#" was there for... hello. So I did some 
> digging around and it turns out I was in fact as Fred G Sanford would say 
> "You Big Dummy!". After reading a blog post by Ben Nadel 
>  turns out that if you are using CF_SQL_INTEGER type it's looking for an 
> integer value period. Pass it an empty string if you wish and it will fail. 
> So a quick re-write to the code below gave me the results I was expecting in 
> the first place.
> <cftry>
>     <cfquery name="createField" datasource="#DSN#">
>          INSERT INTO t_field(
>                structure_id,                      
>                source_ref_1,
>                field_fmt_type_id,
>                last_chg_user_id,
>                last_chg_dt
>          )
>          VALUES(
>             <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" 
> value="#ARGUMENTS.StructureID#"/>,
>             <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" 
> value="#ARGUMENTS.SourceRef1#" null="#Len(Trim(ARGUMENTS.SourceRef1))#"/>,
>             <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" 
> value="#ARGUMENTS.FieldFmtTypeID#" null="#NOT 
> isNumeric(ARGUMENTS.FieldFmtTypeID)#"/>,
>             <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" 
> value="#ARGUMENTS.LastChangeUserID#"/>,
>             #CreateODBCDate(Now())#
>          );
>          SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS newid;
>     </cfquery>
>     <cfcatch type="database">
>          <cfreturn false/>
>     </cfcatch>
> </cftry>
> Using the null="#NOT isNumeric(ARGUMENTS.value)# allows for the proper insert 
> of a NULL when an empty string is passed to the query. 
> Cheers 

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