Just read the original post properly - please ignore me.


2009/11/15 Dominic Watson <watson.domi...@googlemail.com>

> Depending on what you are doing with this data, seems to me that this
> should be done in the front end and not the db. So get your data in the
> original format:
> rick,AL
> rick,FR
> rick,TR
> rick,HS
> joe,AL
> joe,FU
> Bob,FM
> And then use cfoutput with query and group (a very rough output here):
> <table>
>  <thead>
>    <tr><th>User></th><th>Codes</th>
>  </thead>
>  <tbody>
> <cfoutput query="theQuery" group="user">
>  <tr>
>   <td>#user</td>
>   <td>
>     <cfoutput>#code# </cfoutput>
>   </td>
>  <tr>
> </cfoutput>
>  </tbody>
> </table>
> Dominic
> 2009/11/13 Rick Root <rick.r...@gmail.com>
>> From the documentation, pivot tables seem to require aggregate
>> functions... The generic description would seem to work but the
>> examples make it difficult to see how.
>> But... I figured out a solution!  Using SQL Server's row_number() over
>> (partition by XXX order by XXX) I can make a subquery that returns
>> data like this
>> entityid,rownum,rectyp
>> And then run this query (tb901 is my "primary" table)
>> select
>>        tb901.entityid,
>>        R1.rectypcd as rectype1,
>>        r2.rectypcd as rectype2,
>>        r3.rectypcd as rectype3,
>>        r4.rectypcd as rectype4,
>>        r5.rectypcd as rectype5
>> from
>>        tb901
>>        left join
>>                (
>>                        select row_number() over(partition by entityid
>> order by rectypcd)
>> as rownum, entityid, rectypcd
>>                        from tb906
>>                ) R1 on tb901.entityid=R1.entityid and R1.rownum=1
>>        left join
>>                (
>>                        select row_number() over(partition by entityid
>> order by rectypcd)
>> as rownum, entityid, rectypcd
>>                        from tb906
>>                ) R2 on tb901.entityid=R2.entityid and R2.rownum=2
>>        left join
>>                (
>>                        select row_number() over(partition by entityid
>> order by rectypcd)
>> as rownum, entityid, rectypcd
>>                        from tb906
>>                ) R3 on tb901.entityid=R3.entityid and R3.rownum=3
>>        left join
>>                (
>>                        select row_number() over(partition by entityid
>> order by rectypcd)
>> as rownum, entityid, rectypcd
>>                        from tb906
>>                ) R4 on tb901.entityid=R4.entityid and R4.rownum=4
>>        left join
>>                (
>>                        select row_number() over(partition by entityid
>> order by rectypcd)
>> as rownum, entityid, rectypcd
>>                        from tb906
>>                ) R5 on tb901.entityid=R5.entityid and R5.rownum=5

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