At 10:57 AM 25/11/2009, Ian Skinner wrote:

>So, this problem has been sitting in my kitchen.  The math has been
>proved and a good solution using database table joins provided, but I
>just *knew* this could be solved with looping.
>Of course it could be hard coded:
>   <cfloop from="0" to="1" index="a1">
>     <cfloop from="0" to="1" index="a2">
>       <!--- loops for a3 to a21 --->
>         <cfloop from="0" to="1" index="a22">
>             #yesNoFormat(a1)# #yesNoFormat(a2)# <!--- output for a3 to
>a21 ---> #yesNoFormat(a22)#<br>
>         </cfloop>
>       </cfloop>
>     <!--- loop closes for a3 to a21 --->
>   </cfloop>
>But that was too much work and this should have been solvable with
>iteration.  It took me a couple of days to scrape together a few free
>minutes to come up with this:
><cffunction name="it" output="yes">
>   <cfargument name="depth" type="numeric" required="yes">
>   <cfargument name="answerKey" type="string" required="no" default="">
>     <cfset var i = 0>
>   <cfif depth-- GT 0>
>     <cfloop from="0" to="1" index="i">
>       #it(depth,answerKey & ' ' &  yesNoFormat(i))#
>     </cfloop>
>   <cfelse>
>       #answerKey#<br/>
>   </cfif>
>I leave it to somebody else to run the code to generate the 4,194,304
>combinations, but it works well up to 10 'questions'.

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