Id check the following:

That your referring to the CFC in the same way you are defining them. (since 
you say it works when defining with teh functions, I think this is most likely)

The method-access on the other CFCs.

That the init function of external CFCs are returning "this".

You could also instantiate them into the application scope, as long as they are 
thread-safe, and then refer to them via the application scope.

Hope this helps!

>Gah, sorry.  The sample is wrong.  The psuedo constructor would look
>like this and in the cffunction would be called by the variables scope.
>Sorry. was copy/pasting.
><cfcomponent displayname="feeds" output="false" ...>
>  <cfscript>
>    variables.errorMsg = createObject("component",
>    variables.iManager = createObject("component",
>    variables.instGateway = createObject("component",
>  </cfscript>

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