The struct key name case should be retained with the following syntax:

<cfset retStruct["success"] = "1">

2009/11/26 Bryan Stevenson <>

> Hey All,
> I just bumped into an interesting/annoying potential difference between
> Adobe CF 8 and OpenBD.
> When I run the following code in a CFFUNCTION:
> <!--- define the structure--->
> <cfset var retStruct = StructNew()>
> <cfset structInsert(retStruct, "success", "1")>
> <cfset structInsert(retStruct, "output", #ARGUMENTS#)>
> <cfset structInsert(retStruct, "exception", "")>
> I get the following results:
> OpenBD: each ARGUMENT key is lowercase (along with values)
> Adobe CF 8: each ARGUMENT key is uppercase (along with values)
> This is a royal PITA for JS that uses the retStruct (json serialized BTW
> by ajaxCFC and not serializeJSON()).  All my JS code is lowercase.
> Anyways.....I'm sure there is a simple solution to force lowercase
> ARGUMENT scope structure keys, but I'm a few days into a nasty head cold
> and the noodle isn't multi-tasking right now ;-)
> Cheers
> --
> Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
> VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
> Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
> phone: 250.480.0642
> fax: 250.480.1264
> cell: 250.920.8830
> e-mail:
> web:
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