There is a number of ways you can do this, but the most simplest would be
for you to return the comment back to the cfwindow with a button to
continue/close the window.

But more importantly the cfwindow is just a div inside the document, so you
could do a document.href =""; to do what you might want to achieve.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sebastian Powell [] 
Sent: Thursday, 17 December 2009 8:31 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: cfwindow parent refresh


I have a cfwindow that does the following:
1) receives some url variables
2) user can input a comment or text in a form within the cfwindow
3) on submit in the cfwindow it updates the comment in the database
4) confirmation message that submitted and option to close the cfwindow

Issue: I am trying to show the updated comment on the parent page once the
cfwindow has closed, thinking either I refresh the parent page on close or
update a form variable on the parent page with the posted comment.

would anyone have an example of how i may do the above?



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