
Go into SQLServer Enterprise Manager. Click on the entry for the database,
select Database Properties, go to the Options Tab and deselect the Single
User option.

Chris Lomvardias
Syscom, Inc.
400 E. Pratt Street, Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410)539-3737 x1722 voice
(410)539-7302 fax
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (pager via email)

-----Original Message-----
From: Al Musella, DPM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 1:41 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: ODBC Error 37000

I have been getting this error message a lot lately..  I have no idea where 
the problem is.
  When it happens, I have been rebooting the cold fusion server and sql 7 
server. Then it works for a while and then stops.

ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation) [Microsoft][ODBC 
SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'thethin' is already open and can 
only have one user at a time.

The most commonly executed querry is for a banner ad rotation I wrote, 
which calls a stored procedure.  I am pretty new at stored procedures... so 
I may have blew this badly:)

<cfquery name="nextad" datasource="thethin" dbtype="ODBC">
      {  call getad(#cat_id#) }

The procedure is:

create procedure getad
   @cat_id integer
   begin transaction
     declare @lastad_id int
     declare @nextad_id int
       declare @shown int

    set @lastad_id = (select lastad_id from category where category_id = 
    set @nextad_id = (select min(ad_link) from ad_category_link where 
((category_link = @cat_id) and (ad_link > @lastad_id)))
    set @shown = (select shown from ads where ad_id = @nextad_id) +1

  if @nextad_id is NULL
            set @nextad_id = (select min(ad_link) from ad_category_link 
where (category_link = @cat_id) )

      update category set lastad_id = @nextad_id where category_id= @cat_id
      update ads set shown= @shown where ad_id = @nextad_id
      select * from ads where ad_id = @nextad_id

   commit transaction
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