> SET @dateVal_2 = '2009-12-22 23:59:59.000' 
> You will see that the result is quite different.  If you only
> want to know two date
> values are on the same day regardless of time, then using
> dateDiff() may be safer.

If the comparison is structured correctly, the results are the same (or 
marginally better if the database considers milliseconds).  A comparison that 
disregards time would compare against the #startDate# (at midnight) and 
#dayAFTERTheDesiredEndDate# (at midnight).  

For example, the query below would find all records dated any _time_ on 12/22. 
The same concept could be applied to any range.

WHERE  DateColumn >= '2009-12-22'
AND    DateColumn <  '2009-12-23' 

Also, functions may discourage optimizers from properly utilizing available 
indexes. Resulting in less efficient queries. So it is often better to avoid 
functions. Assuming the same results can (reasonably) be achieved without them. 



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