I am not creating forms. I have pdf which needs to feed the variables like
Company Name: *ABC company*

I need to put the company_name variable where ABC printed.
I don't want to create a form element that should be rather than just
#company_name# and not <input type="text" name="company">

As you said that I can use the cfpdfform action="populate" with
cfpdfformparam values nested
That will be used for the form values. What if I have no form in my pdf at
How do I created variables (to display, not form variables) in pdf file?
I see the "textfield" in livecycle designer in object library but again that
will create the texfield type form element in my pdf which I don't want. I
only want to display data there where the company name is not the input

Thanks for your help once again.


>> Thank you for the reference. I got LiveCycle setup in my machine and was
>> trying to setup the PDF with LiveCycle Designer but.... Have no clue how
to >> setup variables etc in PDF. I could not find any information about
that >> anywhere. appreciate if someone share their experience. Thanks, >
>I'm unclear about your question. Are you asking how to create PDF >forms in
LiveCycle Designer, or how to refer to fields within those >PDF forms from
CF? > >Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software >http://www.figleaf.com/ > >Fig
Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized >instruction at
our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta, >Chicago, Baltimore,
Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location. >Visit
http://training.figleaf.com/ for more information!

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